Friday, October 29, 2010

Journal #6 and Introduction to characters within THE ILIAD

Dear Humanities Kids,
I hope you have enjoyable Halloween!

We completed the following today in class:

Journal #6: "Plato's Advice for Education"
The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.

Please iinterpret Plato's quote. What is he indicating about learning? Do you agree with him? In your opinion, is a "formal education" compulsory for further growth? "Talk to me....."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Today in class we continued with the introductory info. regarding Troy.

Dear Humanities Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. I introduced the "Iliad Character" assignment. Each student selected a character from The Iliad. Your assignment involves researching that particular character, and locating information regarding the following points:
              a. Are they Greek or Trojan?
              b. Other characters associated with your own and in what capacity
              c. Your character's role within The Iliad
              d. What happens to your character (death, slavery, concubine, etc.)?

               e. You need to locate another source besides the one that I gave you in class. is a valid Internet source.
               f. Please include an image of your character on your handout.
               g. Please include a Works Cited page for your assignment

FOREST: You have Patroclus
KENZIE: You have Odysseus

PLEASE VISIT WITH ME ON TUESDAY, so that I can show you an example of the assignment, and give you the information I provided for everyone on Monday.

2. We completed the handout that I gave each student last time regarding introductory information surround Troy.

3. We watched a video entitle "Troy." You also had a journal entry that accompanied the movie.
                 Journal #5  "Interesting aspects about Troy"
               As you watch the video, please record points regarding the ancient city of Troy and Henrikk Scheilman that you found interesting.

1. Make sure you prepare for a Quiz covering the introductory information covering The Iliad on Wed.
2. Your handout is due detailing your Iliad character on Wed.
3. Locate an additional source, from the Internet or your book, detailing your character due Wed.
4. Annotate/notate (5-8/page/using brown) the information I gave you in class regarding your particular character due Wed.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Introduction to THE ILIAD

Dear Humanities Students,

If you missed class on Thursday, October 21st, we completed the following:

1. We reviewed a few minutes for your quiz covering the "Influential Greeks."
2. Completed and corrected the quiz.
3. We started our introductory discussion regarding The Iliad. Each student was given a detailed handout that we worked on together. I have included a copy of it below. Please print it off, and place it in the "Handout" section of your notebook.

1. Please annotate/notate the  grey handout given to you in class regarding The Iliad  for Monday.
2. Your first "CER" is due on FRIDAY, October 29th

Homer’s Epic Poems
The Iliad and The Odyssey

What is an epic? Long narrative poem about the deeds of a hero!

The Iliad: ACHILLES; begins in the 9th year of Trojan War Achilles is angry at Agamemnon (leader of the Greeks). Briseisis (Achilles’ love interest) stolen by Agamemnon; Apollo sends a plague; ACHILLES REFUSED TO FIGHT FOR THE GREEKS!
  • Ilium: Ancient word for TROY
  • Acheans: Ancient word for the Greeks

The Odyssey:
Events after the 10 year Trojan War; Odysseus’ attempt to return to his family after 10 years (20 years from his fam)

  • What was the cause of the Trojan War? TRADE ISSUES, not a woman stolen from her home; windy by Troy; Greeks refused to pay taxes to dock at Troy
  • Who discovered the ancient city of Troy? Heinrikk Schliemann (German, amateur archaeologist). His ONLY GOAL was to locate TROY

“Road Map:”  copy of the Iliad

Mound of Hissarlik:

“Schliemann’s Scar:”

Nine Cities:

What we know about Homer….
Many scholars have asked the question, “Were the epic poems written by one poet or were they collective efforts on the part of several poets?” We will never know the answer to this question. Most scholars agree that a “Homer” existed, that he lived in the 8th or 9th century B.C., and that he was a well-known poet. Some indications reference his blindness, which has been interpreted by some as “a sign of his greatness.” We know that Homer had a strong command regarding written language, and that at one point he could see. His love for beauty and gory details are too advanced, especially for someone who might have been blind his entire life. He lived about 500 years after the events at Troy; therefore, the story he told was not original with him, but had been passed down in the oral tradition of the times.

Allow me to share an excerpt from The Iliad with you.

  • “…the spear of bronze went through below the brain and shattered the white bones. Dashed out the teeth, and filled his eyes with blood; and blood he spurted gaping through his mouth and nose; and death’s dark cloud encompassed him.” (Book XVI, lines 345-350)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We completed the "Influencial Greek" presentations today!

Dear Humanities Students,

Well done regarding your presentations. I appreciated your work,as I learn some points regarding the characters that I did not know!.

STEWART and CAMERON: I know that you missed class today; consequenlty, Pythagoras won't appear on your quiz next time; however, I expect that you present your information on Thursday!

What did we do in class? We completed the presentations for the following characters:
1. Aeschylus
2. Sophocles
3. Aesop
4. Phidippides
5. Sappho
6. Phidias

Please review your handouts regarding the above individuals.

1. QUIZ on Thursday covering ALL THE INFLUENTIAL GREEKS!
2. Create flashcards for the group presented today.
3. Your first "CER" is due on Friday, October 29th

Guys, use your cards for your quiz. I need to take Brianna to the Orthodontist, so I don't think I will have the time or opportunity to post a practice quiz for you; therefore, make sure you are prepared with your flashcards.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homer, Alexander the Great, Hippocrates, and Solon were discussed today!

Dear Humanities Kids,
I hope you have a wonderful "Fall Break!" Please remember that upon your return to school, you only have TWO WEEKS before the term ends.


1. Please make flashcards for the characters discussed today (Hippocrates, Solon, Homer, and Alexander the Great). The cards are due on Tuesday. THE CARD THAT WERE CREATED FOR THE CHARACTERS DISCUSSED TODAY, were submitted during class.

2. Please read the article entitled "Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates" for Tuesday. Annotate/notate using ONE COLOR. You  selected the color. I found the article incredibly interesting, so I would annotate/notate using only BROWN.

3. DON'T FORGET THAT your FIRST "CER" is due on October 28th! Please let me know if you need any assistance with this requirement.

1. We continued our presentations regarding the "influential Greeks"

1. Homer is recognized as the most significant epic poet of all time. An epic, by the way, is a long narrative poem about the deeds of a hero.
2. He authored The Iliad and The Odyssey.
3. He was blind, but had to have seen at one point, as his work is highly descriptive in nature. The lost city of TROY, was actually discovered by using a worn copy of The Iliad. Homer describes the topography so well, that Heinrick Schliemann, the archaeologist who discovered the city, only had to use his copy of the epic poem to locate the legendary city.

1. Solon was recognized as the first Athenian statesman to promote democracy.
2. In fact, he valued the worth of all human beings that he attempted to abolish slavery.
3. Developed a law that required representation from every Athenian citizen no matter their social class.

1. "Father of Medicine"
2. Believed that mankind controlled his health, rather than the gods dictating what physically happened to mankind
3. He greatly valued hygiene, exercise, and moderation concerning diet
4. Every individual completing their medical degree must recite the "Hippocratic Oath," as a sign that they will treat the patient with compassion

1. Highly important for spreading Greek culture throughout the ancient world. Once he conquered a location, he required the inhabitant to learn Greek, or die.
2. Became King of Macedonia at age 20, after the assassination of his father, Phillip II
3. Most famous city=ALEXANDRIA (located in Egypt)
       ( The most expansive city regarding learning and commerce of the ancient world)
4. His mother claimed that she had experienced a relationship with Zeus, and that Alexander was Zeus' offspring. ("The Great" comes from this point)
5. Created military strategies that we still use today

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Greek Gods and Research Time....

Dear Humanities Kids,

If you missed class today, we completed the following:

1. We took the practice quiz covering the gods.
2. We took the "real" quiz covering the gods.
3. We then went to the lab to work on your "Influential Greek" research assignment.
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT I HAVE CHANGED THE DUE DATE!  I changed the date, as the schedule on Tuesday limits your in-class time. The new due date for the assignment is MONDAY, October 11th! I hope this helps!

