Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homer, Alexander the Great, Hippocrates, and Solon were discussed today!

Dear Humanities Kids,
I hope you have a wonderful "Fall Break!" Please remember that upon your return to school, you only have TWO WEEKS before the term ends.


1. Please make flashcards for the characters discussed today (Hippocrates, Solon, Homer, and Alexander the Great). The cards are due on Tuesday. THE CARD THAT WERE CREATED FOR THE CHARACTERS DISCUSSED TODAY, were submitted during class.

2. Please read the article entitled "Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates" for Tuesday. Annotate/notate using ONE COLOR. You  selected the color. I found the article incredibly interesting, so I would annotate/notate using only BROWN.

3. DON'T FORGET THAT your FIRST "CER" is due on October 28th! Please let me know if you need any assistance with this requirement.

1. We continued our presentations regarding the "influential Greeks"

1. Homer is recognized as the most significant epic poet of all time. An epic, by the way, is a long narrative poem about the deeds of a hero.
2. He authored The Iliad and The Odyssey.
3. He was blind, but had to have seen at one point, as his work is highly descriptive in nature. The lost city of TROY, was actually discovered by using a worn copy of The Iliad. Homer describes the topography so well, that Heinrick Schliemann, the archaeologist who discovered the city, only had to use his copy of the epic poem to locate the legendary city.

1. Solon was recognized as the first Athenian statesman to promote democracy.
2. In fact, he valued the worth of all human beings that he attempted to abolish slavery.
3. Developed a law that required representation from every Athenian citizen no matter their social class.

1. "Father of Medicine"
2. Believed that mankind controlled his health, rather than the gods dictating what physically happened to mankind
3. He greatly valued hygiene, exercise, and moderation concerning diet
4. Every individual completing their medical degree must recite the "Hippocratic Oath," as a sign that they will treat the patient with compassion

1. Highly important for spreading Greek culture throughout the ancient world. Once he conquered a location, he required the inhabitant to learn Greek, or die.
2. Became King of Macedonia at age 20, after the assassination of his father, Phillip II
3. Most famous city=ALEXANDRIA (located in Egypt)
       ( The most expansive city regarding learning and commerce of the ancient world)
4. His mother claimed that she had experienced a relationship with Zeus, and that Alexander was Zeus' offspring. ("The Great" comes from this point)
5. Created military strategies that we still use today