Saturday, March 19, 2011

Welcome to the "Greek Woodstock!"

Dear Humanities Kids,
If you missed class on Friday, March 18th, you missed the following:

GREEK DRAMA for today, Friday, March 18th,

1. Every submitted their annotations for "Oedipus" which were given to you on Wed., March 16th.
2. We discussed the requirements for your CER #1 which is due on THURSDAY, March 24th!
3. We watched a clip from The Woodstock Movie in relationship to how much the ancient Greeks valued drama.
4. We also watched a clip from Might Aphrodite to illustrate the significance of the Greek chorus.
5. We also worked on completing the handout located below entitled "Greek Drama." If you missed class, please print off a copy of the handout and obtain the information from someone else in Humanities.

1. If you missed class today, please make sure you read  the myth of "Oedipus" located on pages. 268-273 in your textbook. You will have a QUIZ over the myth on Tuesday, March 18th! PLEASE READ THE MYTH!  This is a valuable piece of literature, as it was originally written as a narrative, and then transformed to a play by Sophocles. It also contains the literary element of IRONY, which adds to the plot line.

This image depicts a theater troupe performing "Oedipus Rex. " Oedipus is in the middle, and the Greek chorus is surrounding him.

We continued with your handout regarding Greek Theater. Please visit with someone in class.
Greek Drama

1. __________________ was the chief city-state to have significant influence regarding theater. The primary theater was called the Theater of _________________. He was the son of ___________ and _____________, and his domains included ______________, ____________ and _________________.

2. His Roman name is _______________ and he is known as the  __________________.

3. The Greek word for actor is _________________.

4. The Greek created three forms of drama.

5. Every year in late March/early April an annual state religious celebration took place called the _____________ of ________________ or the ____________ __________________. It took place to honor playwrights.

6. The celebration took the form of a competition between three playwrights.
7. The unique form of Greek theatrical productions comes from the works of four major playwrights.

8. One theory regarding the origin of early drama involved a perform named _________________, who suggested the idea of stepping out and speaking to the audience. Due to this idea, this man is recognized as the  ________________________.

9. The Greek chorus was extremely important; they carried out five important functions.


10. The overall visual style of Greek performances was greatly influenced by the following four aspects.

Ancient Greek theater mask. The Greeks used masks to help indicated emotion and the type of drama being performed. This image depicts a TRAGIC mask.


1. Please read "Oedipus" on pages 268-272
2. CER #1 is due on THURSDAY!

I introduced the myth of "Oedipus" to you today  as a catalyst for understanding Greek Drama. This myth is extremely significant, as it illustrates the ancient Greeks desire and ability to take their myths and transfer them to the genre of drama.

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
