Monday, September 6, 2010

If you missed class on Tuesday, September 7th....

Dear Humanities Students,

If you missed class today, we completed the following:
1. JOURNAL #2 entitled " Perception vs. Reality"
       This journal is one that you will need to complete upon your return to class, as it involves the use of several images that I DO NOT want to post. In essence, you can only see the images for approximately 5 seconds, and if they were available to you on the blog that would defeat the point of the journal entry.

"Perception vs. Reality" Journal #2
As you view the images, please record your initial perceptions. Once we have looked at them for a longer period of time, we'll review how closely your perceptions were in comparison with the realities of the images.

2. Students were asked to visit with the other students who researched the same artwork in order to compare their research. We then shared information regarding each piece concerning the difference in reality and perception now that everyone had completed some research.

1. None for Thursday, September 9th
